Anal wife part two

Less the ten minutes after my wife had completed her first anal orgasms and she had me in the same armchair, her hands spreading my naked arse cheeks I could sense her eyes on the prize. Then I felt her wet tongue circling round my ring piece slowly getting ever closer, I felt tense waiting

Hard Anal sex with my wife

Kerry come through here I called to my wife, who at the time was clearing up after lunch. She came through an enquiring smile on her face, stand there I asked her pointing to a spot a metre in front of where I sat on the sofa. She did as asked wondering where I was

Playing Her Trade

Blonde and 26, Tanna knew she was immoral even before the September, Friday night she met the white, 27-y/o Dave at the adult bookstore where she worked in the 80’s. He’d scarcely entered it when he saw a black guy groping her large, firm tits through her blouse. ‘Fuckin’ skank!’ he sneered as he departed

My Eyes Adored You – I’m a voyeur

I admit it: I’m a voyeur. Oh, not that kind. Not the hiding-in-the-dark-peeping-through-windows kind. I don’t want to work that hard. Not even the paying-through-the-nose-to-see-some-coke-whore-suck-another-guy’s-hose kind. Way, way too public. Just your garden variety kind who’s too timid to call and get the Playboy Channel on my cable — they’d have a record of it!

Hi Honey I Just Fucked Your Step-Daughter

BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRING! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRING! *squick!* “You have reached the phone of Mary Smithson. I’m sorry I’m not at home at the moment, but if you care to leave a message please speak after the tone. Love you.” BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. “Hi honey, it’s me, Don. I’m sorry but I gotta tell you… I just fucked your daughter. “Now, don’t

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