A Maternal Affair

Debbie was only sixteen when she gave birth to her son, Jake. The father was only eighteen himself and didn’t fancy the responsibility of fatherhood, and he didn’t stick around. In fact, he never saw his son. Debbie’s parents were supportive and looked after baby Jake during the daytime to allow their daughter to finish

Taboo Tit Fight

“Wendy, I’ve told you before. You are NOT going out without a bra on, and that’s final,” said Wendy’s mother, Bea, as she caught her daughter sneaking out of the house for school. One glance at her daughter’s tight school blouse had confirmed that her fourteen-year-old daughter had not put one on, again. “Oh mom,

Penis Cream

The maddening itch grew worse each day, and Peter was finally driven to seek relief. He had put it off for as long as he could, fearing the inevitable embarrassment and humiliation associated with revealing his problem, but at last he could stand it no more. He entered the drug store shyly and looked around

My brother’s girlfriend was pregnant, and still nursing my nephew

My older brother’s girlfriend was pregnant. Her belly wasn’t showing much yet, but she was get a little bit fatter. She had long brown hair, and big brown eyes. She was older than me. She was twenty-nine, and I was in my early twenties. I was sharing the apartment with him and her. I planned