Jane looked past the rusted iron bars of the gate in front of her, peering into the tiny space between the bare concrete walls that couldn’t have been more than three or four metres apart. A woman who looked like she was in her early twenties lay asleep on top of a pile of hay,
Red Haired Mom Falls Victim to Her Son’s Friends
Mom looked so angry with her fiery red hair and unnerving hazel eyes as she studied my face for guilt, shame, remorse or what I expect is trying so see if I was even her son anymore, or human for that matter. You could cut the tension with a knife it was so thick in
It was deader than four o’clock in Idaho and we were playing to the barmaids. There were maybe ten people in the bar all night, but we put our souls into it anyway. A lot of people think rock and roll is all dope and glamour. I suppose part of it is. But people never
My wife experiences a hot, exceptional threesome on Ibiza and I’m the one only watching them
You can say my wife’s a real slut. She’s had her share of sexual adventures yet but this one is special. Most of her adventures were with buddies of mine and I’m perfectly fine with it. Usually I also step in, sometimes I don’t. We’re a couple in our mid-thirties, living happily together and enjoying
A young couple from the deep south offend the wrong man and his dog
There are people who will not like some of the things that I write in this story. If you are of the opinion that the south will rise again (or that it should), if you are convinced that the American Civil War was fought for financial reasons or to secure state’s rights then I highly
A Family Incident
My wife and I have been married for twenty two years. We both got married when we were 17. We have a daughter 21. My wife started having an affair with, and left me for a black stud named Vick. We had been separated for over a year. Nothing I did could get her back
Nichole’s extreme sex story part 1-2
Nichole couldn’t believe what had happened to her. A month ago she had been a top notch sales assistant for her company, but she was so good that today was her last day and tomorrow she’ll be at the unemployment office. She had been with the company only a couple of years as a sales