My drunk horny wife

I am nervously making my first-time post about myself, my wife and my situation. I’m not sure how well this will be accepted by the group and readers. It is not extremely kinky; it is just plain my wife loves to fool around and I get turned on knowing some other man is getting to

My first big dick

Me and blue went to the swimming hole to swim, I got out blue mounted me and knotted in me, I heard a noise behind me and turned to look, it was Jimmy my cousin, he had his big dick in hand stroking it, he asked what I was doing with a big smile on

Orgy in the house party

Kyle and i decided to grab a bottle of whiskey one friday night because we planned to go to his friend Mitch’s house party, which Kyle had been asking me to go to with him because he had a ‘surprise’ for me waiting there in the Mitch’s bedroom closet. We drank the bottle and stumbled

My wife and the second guy

I had at this point discovered Sue was rather submissive. She would do anything I asked of her sexually. The second guy, Dennis, that had shared Sue, figured it out also, and days after our first sexual encounter with him had come back to take advantage of his knowledge. Sue was unable to refuse him

Only for my Husband

Danielle combed her long blonde hair as she stood in front of the full length mirror starring at her reflection. Danielle was a trophy wife and had married straight out of college to a man who was twenty years her senior. Pete was a wonderful husband and as a matter of fact he gave Danielle

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