A sorority gangbang story

Today is my birthday, and I’m 40 years old. I look back on my life in the late 60’s and early 70’s, when I attended San Francisco State, and wonder how we all got through it in one piece. Of course, there was nothing like AIDS back then, which helped. My story is a true

Husband and wife start role-playing

My husband and I had been married for ten years, we had decided to leave children until later, it wasn’t that I was career minded or anything like that, just that John was starting his own company and he needed all the capitol he could get his hands on until the business could properly support

Alternate Lifestyle

The room was dark with only candles illuminating the tables as I walked inside the restaurant. My heart was racing as I contemplated what I was getting myself into. I had agreed to meet a couple at the restaurant to see if I met their screening criteria to join them in a rendezvous for sex.

Drunk Wife’s Night Out

Actually what happened was all my own fault. We were only in our second year of marriage, so Trish and I were still practically newlyweds. Trish was twenty-two, and she never failed to turn heads whenever we were out on the town. I liked her to wear short skirts and high heels, and for some

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