One boy and five girls, and one inexperienced boy, at the beach, together for a few days and nights

It’s funny, but at first I didn’t even want to go to the beach with my family. I was playing second base for the local American Legion team and hitting almost three hundred; I was beating my buddy in Earth Rage 3 regularly and Susie Watkins had talked to me at the church picnic and

Dirty blonde in my bed

I am a very trusting person. I lock my door only when I am going to be away from home for several hours. Then again, I am fairly sure anyone who has ever seen me would not be stealing from me. I stand close to six feet tall and weigh two hundred sixty pounds. I

Don’t mess with Mistress Alicia

Alicia woke by degrees. Nudged first into basic awareness by her inability to turn over onto her stomach. Soft snores, not her own, invaded her consciousness next. She didn’t remember, what? Her lack of memory was the final impetus to full consciousness. Eyes open. Alicia lifted her head and surveyed the room. Same basic scheme

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