A woman who has always liked to dominate her boyfriends

“You’re kidding!” said Madison. Vanessa laughed. “No, I’m absolutely telling the truth,” she said. “You’ve been a conniving, controlling bitch since I first met you, but it’s hard to believe you pulled this off,” said Madison. “But I did,” said Vanessa. Madison knew Vanessa took her insults as compliments. “You’ve seen him.” “Yes, and I

Billy likes to blackmails women

William Robert James Dunlop was a bully, he had always been a bully, his father encouraged him to be a bully. “Weak fools get nowhere son, exercise your authority, make them crawl.” The town where Billy as he was known to his friends did just that, his father was wealthy, people in the town didn’t

My 75 year old Aunty

My two previous stories have dealt with the story of my relationship to date with my partners 75 year old Aunt. Last week I popped round with my laptop and showed her the stories on the website. At first she was horrified until I explained that they were posted anonymously and unless someone who knew

A Run-in With Lindsay Lohan

It was a good day for a walk: sun, but not too hot, no wind, just a very pleasant day. With nowhere in particular in mind I roamed the streets, going wherever I pleased. In hindsight, I probably should have looked over my shoulder more carefully before crossing the street – a quick glance proved

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