Filipina wife fantasizes of sex with another man

Damon was a handsome black guy in his mid thirties. He was always well-dressed and spoke in a well educated manner but underneath that suit and tie you could tell that he worked out regularly at the gym. Damon’s smooth manner, quick smile combined with his natural reserved shyness made for a strong attraction with

Secret room

Ann Pham-Monet was a beautiful Eurasian girl with just the right proportions of Asian and European ancestry to produce the classic beauty of love poets. Married in Asia to an American gentleman 35 years her senior at age 16, she had come with him to Washington State where she had divorced him when she was

A husband is humiliated by a sexy slut wife

My wife Beth had been getting ready for the party all day. She is one of the most attractive women in our neighbourhood, and was always one of the hottest women whenever we went to a bar or somewhere in public. Men were constantly checking her out, and what’s worse, she was constantly giving them

A young couple are offered a chance

Maura burst into tears and grabbed her pocketbook and dashed off to the ladies room. For about the millionth time. So much for this night. And this marriage. We’d had a decent run as husband and wife. Most marriages founder on the same rocks – bad communications, children, outside interference, money, sex, bad communications, ridiculous

A white middle class english county wife is corrupted by a black farm hand

Hi. Don’t know where to start my story so I’ll begin by telling you a bit about myself. My name is Corrie and I’m 31. I’m about 5ft5 with blue eyes and short blond hair. My husband says it makes me look a bit boyish. I don’t have big boobs, 32b and a nice rounded

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